Relative clause;
We can use the relative clause such as who, which, that, whose. The relative
clause making a complex sentence can work as adjective. It means that the relative
clause describes the following noun.
For example, the woman who used to work at café is a magician
This sentence explains the woman using relative clause. This sentence
can be divided two sentences. ‘the woman is a magician now’ ‘she used to work
at café’. We can remove subject and turn
it into ‘who’ to mention the woman.
Noun clause;
The noun clause work as a noun which is like object in a sentence. We can
use the noun clause such as how, when, what, where, and the same as the
relative clauses. If you want to say something about happening, you would use
noun clause.
For example, my greatest asset is that I am a hard worker.
As you can see, the flowing ‘that’ is the perfect sentence and it can be
a noun. Noun clause are mainly used after verb because of being a subject of
direct object.
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