Cigarettes butte
environmentalists have warned that plastic straws are going to destroy our
environment. But also, cigarettes butt is ruining the environment even though
the filters which is included in cigarette are harmless. A lot of people are
littering cigarettes everywhere and finally those are coming on the ocean. It’s
the big problem to be an ocean trash. Cigarettes filter is not harmful, but they are causing permanent damage to ocean and wildlife as well.
According to the article, each year, 5.6 trillion cigarettes are
produced around the world and each of them comes with a filter. The filter is
made of useful material and it is not easy to trash. The plastic called by
cellulose acetate, which can take more than a decade to decompose. The people
who are smoking cigarettes have throwing away irresponsibly.
Since 1986 the Ocean conservancy has been cleaning the beaches around
the world and they say that every one of those years, cigarettes butts have
been the item they’ve picked up the most.
Q. How can we get rid of cigarettes without increasing harmful smoke and butt.
Opinion: I think getting rid of cigarettes is not the issue here. For me, I believe raising awareness for health is more important so smokers can make up their minds whether they should quit or not. We could increase the fines for littering cigarette butts! Maybe that will force people to put them in the bin...
返信削除Grammar:The people who are smoking cigarettes have throwing away irresponsibly. = Smokers have been throwing away their cigarettes irresponsibly.
Thank you for an awesome post!
返信削除Oh Hiro... my answer is we have to decide to handle cigarettes. For example, make a low like a Singapore and increase price.
返信削除Grammar: the people = people
返信削除what is this?
削除In my opinion, we should make cigarettes more expensive in order not to consume it easily. In addition, there should be a severe law for getting rid of trashes.
返信削除an ocean trash--> ocean trashes?
we should increase cigarettes price and make strict low like a Singapore.
返信削除Great work! Very good explanation!
返信削除In my opinion we need to increase the campaigns against cigarettes, showing how bad he is.
Restrict his market and put more tax on them it is a good idea too. But the consume will not end. We should change the materials of cigarettes to let be biodegrade into the environment.
I don't have grammar points! :)))
In my opinion, we should use Electronic Cigarette. I don't know it's good for our health, but it's good for our environment.